- 1 banana per person
- 2 x mini marshmallows
- Food dye- blue and red
- Frosting
- Animal biscuits
- 50 ml Whipped cream
- 1/3rd of pretzel
- Triangular piece of cheese slice
- Prepare the work area.
- Mix a drop of blue into the frosting.
- Coat the plate or serving tray with the blue frosting.
- With a toothpick place a small amount of blue food dye into the whipped cream.
- Waves can be 'made' out of combining frosting and part of the whipped cream together.
- Top the waves off with white wave tops.
- Where the 'boat' will be cutting through the water outwards place the whipped blue cream as sea spray.
- Peel banana.
- Cut the curved part of the banana off so that the banana will sit flat on a plate.
- Once on the plate cut the middle section to form a slight elongated V shape.
- With the tip of a tooth pick carefully paint on faces [eyes, nose and mouth] to the mini marshmallows.
- Set the marshmallows in the middle of the boat.
- Add animal crackers by adding a touch of nut butter or frosting to the bottom of each cracker.
- At the vertical end of the cheese triangle make a couple of slits.
- thread the 1/3 pretzel stick through.
- Stick the 'flag' into the end tip of the banana.
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