Thursday, January 19, 2012

Banana Boats


  • 1 banana per person
  • 2 x mini marshmallows
  • Food dye- blue and red
  • Frosting                                                                       
  • Animal biscuits
  • 50 ml Whipped cream
  • 1/3rd of pretzel 
  • Triangular piece of cheese slice


  1. Prepare the work area.
  2. Mix a drop of blue into the frosting.
  3. Coat the plate or serving tray with the blue frosting.
  4. With a toothpick place a small amount of blue food dye into the whipped cream.
  5. Waves can be 'made' out of combining frosting and part of the whipped cream together.
    1. Top the waves off with white wave tops.
  6. Where the 'boat' will be cutting through the water outwards place the whipped blue cream as sea spray.
  7. Peel banana.
  8. Cut the curved part of the banana off so that the banana will sit flat on a plate.
  9. Once on the plate cut the middle section to form a slight elongated V shape.
  10. With the tip of a tooth pick carefully paint on faces  [eyes, nose and mouth] to the mini marshmallows.
  11. Set the marshmallows in the middle of the boat.
  12. Add animal crackers by adding a touch of nut butter or frosting to the bottom of each cracker.
  13. At the vertical end of the cheese triangle make a couple of slits.
  14. thread the 1/3 pretzel stick through.  
  15. Stick the 'flag' into the end tip of the banana.

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